Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reading on the Go

   Indulging in a warm bath while reading by candlelight. Snuggling into a cozy armchair, with a cup of tea and a good book. Enjoying a duvet day with your friends, Jane Austen and Stephen King. Lounging under a tree, time flying as fast as you turn the pages...alright, enough with the Fiction!
   For those of us living in the realm of Non-Fiction, reality consists of enjoying the company of our cover-bound friends while sitting (or standing) in cramped subway cars, fighting for elbow room on jostling buses, and stuffing our faces during our excruciatingly short lunch breaks.
   This blog is devoted to those books that suffer alongside us; dropped into puddles while racing to work; sneezed upon by the guy in the next seat; stained by the sweet and sour sauce on our Chinese take-away lunches; inevitably scuffed and torn by repeatedly shoving them into our bags.
   All works reviewed, praised, and booed on my The Book in My Handbag blog, are bound books that can fit into a handbag (or man bag); because in today's fast paced, job oriented world, the books that we read most, are the books that are portable. Every review will be accompanied by a brief description of a handbag (or man bag) that can carry both your modern essentials and your literary ones.
   So get up and go! You've got reading to do!

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